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Revelation .

He promises a to everyone who aloud this word

He promises a blessing to everyone who it read AND it to heart because the time

Why will we recieve blessedness if we read this book?

     Because Revelation is and of God's purpose for creation.

This revelation is Jesus, it is Jesus, and it is Jesus.

This revelation is from

     who is(4)

     who was(4)

     who is to come(4)

This revelation is from the seven before the throne(4)

This revelation is from

     who is

     The faithfull witness(5)

     The firstborn from the dead(5)

     The ruler of the kings if the earth(5)

The revelation is to him



from the sins by his blood


to be a kingdom

to be priests

who server God the Father

To him be the

to him be the

forever and ever

Our Response? We


Jesus is the center of

Jesus is the center of

Jesus needs to be the of our lives

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